Ages 3 to 6

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For 3 and 4 years old, they are in the stage of unleashing their imagination, exploring their creativity while picking up on their hand-eye coordination skills that require stimulation of the brain.

3 Year olds love painting and drawing as they are developing their hand-eye coordination skills. They will also benefit from games with simple rules to follow as they are starting to learn about cooperation.

4-5 Year olds enjoy painting and drawing. Their pretend play gets more complex with more detailed stories as they have a vivid imagination and are developing their creativity. They can also balance better as they get stronger physically.

For children at the age of 6 & above, they are at the stage whereby they tend to be more inclined to hands-on structures where they have to DIY (do-it-yourself). As children of this age are more interested in the complexity and challenging prospects of a toy that they could further explore.

These range of toys suggested by us, will be able to play a part in the stimulation of their brain, building up their cognitive and sensory skills.




$149.90 SGD